Monthly Archives: February 2015

Ticket Bank

If I were mayor I’d create a Ticket Bank to benefit under privileged children (and their parents and teachers?). When patrons of the local performing arts are unable to use their tickets to the symphony, a play or a dance they could call in that ticket (or go online). The ticket bank would have a […]


The city, its citizens and the developers must come up with an understanding of what ‘affordable’ means. Laws are enacted to protect the integration and survival of existing tiny and small businesses, and represent inhabitants, including minorities and the poor.

Smart Development

So many plans are based on on models that are many years old and not appropriate to the area and the current need for conservation and traffic control. PUDs, new apartments and communities are being built without the infrastructure to support them, and no regard to the quality of life of the residents. Charleston needs […]

Improved Efficiencies

So,,, not the most exciting idea out there, but I am hopeful the next Mayor undertakes an extensive Process Audit. The incredible longevity of the current administration has certainly provided stability for the City, but City processes have grown and become more complex overtime. My company does business with the City everyday and I would […]

Boardwalk and loop around Long Lake

Long Lake by Mason Prep and the Ashley House has tremendous potential. Why not build a boardwalk in parts along Lockwood Boulevard, then behind those Calhoun Street buildings to Halsey Boulevard. The reason I’m suggesting a boardwalk is that the sidewalk along Lockwood Boulevard is too close to a busy road to be comfortable, but […]

West Ashley Farmer’s Market

One public facility that the residents of West Ashley have been asking for is a farmer’s market. Somewhere in the DuPont area, where all of these properties come together, is the logical place for a new farmer’s market to happen. Combining the farmer’s market with neighborhood meeting space and a small performance/exhibit space would keep […]

DuPont Crossing Pedestrian Safety

An improved crosswalk and landscaped median at Wappoo Road similar to the one just completed in Avondale, would make this dangerous intersection safe for the school children who cross there as well as for the people who might want to connect from the Bike Path to the Greenway.

Firefighter’s Memorial

The Firefighter’s Memorial in its present condition is an embarrassment. The families of the firefighters and the public deserve better and we should not be afraid to explore how to make that property something worthy of the lives it memorializes. Allowing this property to become a publicly sponsored West Ashley eyesore is unacceptable. It appears […]

West Ashley Parks and Public Facilities

New public facilities have been built West of the Ashley in recent years, but predominantly in conjunction with new construction on the periphery of the city. This is fine for attracting people to the new neighborhoods in the farthest reaches of the suburbs, but it does nothing for the older West Ashley neighborhoods which have […]

West Ashley Transportaton Issues

Public transportation may seem limited to buses for now, but might we consider using small rubber tire trolleys, somewhat like elongated golf carts, on the old ACL and SAL rights of way that could shuttle residents from South Windermere all the way to the Clemson Extension with the historic crossing at DuPont, where passengers could […]