Monthly Archives: August 2015

Getting Around

We’ve all experienced some of the frustrations of “getting around” the Lowcountry – flooded streets, traffic, and limited routes, or “connectivity.”  The region’s growth brings all of these issues to the forefront of discussions regarding solutions. The issue cannot be solved by any single effort and will require forethought, vision, and perseverance.   Last week’s […]

Warning: Shallow Coastal Flooding

Since we’ve been doing a little paddling around the streets of Charleston during the past week, it seems to be an appropriate time to visit the topic of Urban Resilience, a concept defined by the Rockefeller Foundation as: “The capacity of individuals, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems within a city to survive, adapt, and grow […]

Media Matters – Print Edition

Media plays a crucial role in communities that aim to be livable and progressive. A strong local press can “follow the money,” and shine a light on the dark corners of government, to force action, and to criticize bad ideas. Journalists can attend the meetings where decisions are being made and be there for us when […]